We believe it is important for our members to have the opportunity to communicate current issues that are important for MPA to take a formal stance on. MPA has created an online form that can be completed as a tool to communicate this with MPA leadership. Click here to learn more.


MPA Statement Supporting Transgender Youth

The Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA) unequivocally condemns the recent assault on Cobalt Sovereign, a transgender student at Hopkins High School, resulting in severe physical injuries and emotional trauma. This deplorable act of violence, which occurred on May 30, 2024, as Cobalt attempted to use the bathroom, underscores the pervasive risks and discrimination faced by transgender youth within our communities.

The MPA stands in solidarity with Cobalt and her family (including MPA member Ashley Sovereign), offering our full support during this difficult and painful time. As psychologists, we understand the profound impact that hate crimes and discrimination have on the mental health and well-being of individuals. Violence and discrimination against transgender and gender-diverse individuals contribute to psychological trauma, anxiety, depression, and other impacts on mental health. These adverse outcomes are exacerbated when society and institutions are silent. We are speaking out now to offer our fervent support to Cobalt, the Sovereign family, and all transgender persons and families impacted by intolerance.

The MPA echoes the principles outlined in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Resolution on Supporting Sexual/Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents in Schools, which emphasizes the inherent right of all individuals to a safe and affirming environment. Consistent with the APA’s recommendations, we advocate for the following actions:

1. Immediate Accountability and Support: We urge Hopkins High School and the Minnetonka Police Department to ensure prompt accountability for the perpetrators and comprehensive support for Cobalt and her family.

2. Enhanced Protections: Schools must implement and enforce robust policies that protect transgender and gender-diverse students from discrimination and violence. This includes providing accessible gender-inclusive facilities and ensuring a safe environment where all students can express their gender identity without fear of harassment or assault.

3. Community Education and Awareness: It is essential to foster a culture of inclusivity and respect within educational institutions and the broader community. We advocate for increased education and awareness programs that address LGBTQ+ issues, promote acceptance, support gender and sexual diverse-affirming student groups, and combat homophobia and transphobia.

4. Affirmative Interventions: We endorse affirmative interventions that promote self-exploration and acceptance among transgender and gender-diverse youth (rather than limit or constrain gender identity and gender expression). Schools should implement interventions that reduce bullying, support mental health, and create safe, supportive environments for all students.

As part of our commitment to fostering understanding and support for gender-diverse youth, MPA will be hosting a presentation on gender-diverse youth at the upcoming Minnesota Multicultural Summit in October.

For those looking to support Cobalt Sovereign and her family, a GoFundMe has been established to assist with her medical costs and other related expenses.



MPA Affirms APA Policy Statement Affirming Evidence-Based Inclusive Care for Transgender, Gender Divisive, and Nonbinary Individuals

The Minnesota Psychological Association stands in solidarity with the American Psychological Association's Policy Statement affirming support of unobstructed access to healthcare and evidence-based clinical care for transgender, gender diverse, and nonbinary children, adolescents, and adults, and for increased public accessibility to timely and accurate information founded in clinical and psychological science. 

June 30, 2023

MPA Stands with APA to Denounce Recent Supreme Court Decisions

The Minnesota Psychological Association stands in solidarity with the American Psychological Association in denouncing two recent Supreme Court rulings. 

  • Right to consider race in college admissions: "...(we) deeply regret that the court discounted the substantial body of research demonstrating that exposure to diversity can reduce bias and improve educational outcomes for all students,” said APA CEO Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD.  APA argued that improving racial-ethnic diversity in higher education remains a compelling need as prejudice and underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minority groups are still present on college campuses today. 
  • Discrimination of same sex couples:  “We are disappointed that the court granted permission to individuals to discriminate in providing their services in a way that is contrary to the goals of Colorado’s anti-discrimination law,” said APA Chief Executive Officer Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD. “Research has shown that laws like Colorado’s can decrease stigma and associated adverse health consequences. By allowing discrimination in public accommodations, the court is preventing Colorado from curtailing the discrimination experienced by LGBTQ people and members of other disfavored groups, and the harmful stress that ensues.” 


APA stands with those affected by Colorado Springs tragedy

MPA affirms the following statement by Frank C. Worrell, Ph.D., President of the American Psychological Association, in response to the mass shooting at Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

“In this week of Thanksgiving, the families of those directly affected by the hate-fueled mass shooting in Colorado Springs will be hard pressed to find reasons to be thankful. The American Psychological Association stands in support of the families and communities devastated by this preventable tragedy.

“The gunman in the Colorado Springs shooting has been charged with a hate crime. It is clear that violence rooted in hate and racism is all too common. The Human Rights Campaign has reported at least 32 transgender and gender nonconforming people killed in 2022 so far, amid a wave of anti-transgender legislation in states across the country. The Anti-Defamation League has tracked 39 reported incidences of antisemitism in November alone, from bomb threats to physical violence to brazen hate-filled propaganda.

“We need to commit to both eliminating hateful rhetoric and strengthening gun laws.

“The mass shooting in Colorado Springs followed the horrific attacks at the University of Virginia, a drumbeat that continues without fail. In November alone, there have been at least 27 reported mass shootings with more than 40 victims dead.

“The impact of this continued violence exacerbates an already unacceptable and unnecessary public health crisis brought about by a nation that seems to refuse to recognize hate and violence are intertwined, and easy access to destructive weapons is a tragic facilitator.

“We must stop acquiescing to the belief there is nothing we can do. As a nation, we cannot ignore the evidence-based solutions to gun violence.

“Congress has made significant progress with the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, but there is much more lawmakers can do to prevent these senseless tragedies. One of the owners of the Colorado nightclub said the gunman entered with ‘tremendous firepower.’ APA has repeatedly asked Congress to ban weapons that can inflict mass casualties. Research shows that this step, and policies to promote safe gun storage, expand background checks, track unlawful attempts to purchase firearms, and support extreme risk protection orders like red flag laws, can not only help prevent mass shootings, but other deaths by firearms, including suicides.

“As a society that envisions itself as an example for the world, we can and must do better.”

MPA supports and affirms the recent APA statement following the decision by the Supreme Court in overturning Roe v Wade.

June 27, 2022

On Friday June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the ruling that our constitution protects a woman’s freedom to choose an abortion.

As psychologists we recognize not just the obvious physical, financial, and community impacts of this decision but the serious risks to mental health, as well.

While access to abortion in Minnesota is currently protected, in many other states this ruling may be devastating as access is limited or outright banned. Women of color and people from marginalized and impoverished communities will be especially harmed likely leading to greater disparities in health and mental health for these groups.

The Minnesota Psychological Association supports and affirms the recent APA statement following the decision by the Supreme Court in overturning Roe v Wade. We urge every member to review APA’s statement which outlines the research on the likely harms to mental health as a result of this decision.

Click here to read the APA statement.

MPA Affirms Statement in Response to Mass Shooting in Uvalde, TX

May 25, 2022

MPA affirms the following statement by Frank C. Worrell, Ph.D., President of the American Psychological Association, in response to the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, that left at least 21 people dead, 19 of them children.
“The American Psychological Association is devastated to see yet another mass shooting in our nation—this one at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas—just 10 days after another gunman opened fire at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, seemingly targeting Black people and killing 10.

“The impact of these acts of violence is not limited to the number of days these stories stay in the headlines. In addition to the tragic loss of life, psychological science suggests that such horrific events lead to significant post-traumatic distress among victims and bystanders and are triggers for those who have experienced similar violent events. In addition, these episodes add to the mounting evidence that gun violence is an American public health crisis.

“It is long past time to act to ensure that our schools are safe havens for our children, and that stores, places of worship, and our streets are safe for everyone.

“A public health crisis requires a public health approach. APA has long advocated for gun safety, including background checks of prospective gun buyers, safe gun storage, laws implementing extreme risk protection orders, and substantially more research into the psychological factors that lead to gun violence.

“Along with so many others, APA is angry and frustrated that Congress and the states have failed to act—and in some cases have loosened restrictions on access to firearms.

“We cannot become numb to gun violence in our communities. We call on Congress to pass legislation now to stem the spread of firearms, promote their safe usage and storage and establish community-based teams that include police, mental health educators and community advocates who can de-escalate situations with individuals who are at risk of using guns to commit violence or harm themselves.”

The Minnesota Psychological Association affirms the following statement released by  APA in response to mass shootings in Buffalo

May 16, 2022

WASHINGTON — Following is a statement by Frank C. Worrell, PhD, president of the American Psychological Association, in response to the mass shooting at the Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York:

“The American Psychological Association stands against racism and hate in all forms. This horrific hate crime struck people in a place that was intended to be a welcoming space, shattering families and the community’s sense of safety.

“Violence rooted in racism and hate has become much too common in our society. We must resist becoming numb to these acts of violence when what we need is a commitment to eliminate racism and discrimination, enact stronger gun laws and encourage more dialogue. Otherwise, we are condoning a culture that is not working to combat racial bias grounded in misinformation. Without collective action on these issues, we should not be surprised when the result is hate and violence. In a society that values all of its members, disagreements should result in dialogue, not acts of violence.

“In the past few decades, many prominent psychologists of color have studied the effects of racial trauma, and how it leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety and stress. It has also been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use disorders and other serious psychological conditions. Experiences of racism build on each other and, over time, chip away at the emotional, physical and spiritual resources of people of color and other targets of bias.

“In Buffalo, guns were used in support of an individual’s racist and antisemitic beliefs. The same weekend, guns were used in mass shootings in Texas, Wisconsin and California. And in 2022, there have already been at least 198 mass shootings. APA has long advocated for gun safety, including background checks of prospective gun buyers, safe gun storage, laws implementing extreme risk protection orders and more research into the psychological factors that lead to gun violence.

“In the wake of these violent acts, the American Psychological Association recommends that individuals experiencing persistent symptoms of distress seek help from a trained mental health professional. We also recommend that people limit their exposure and that of their children to media coverage of these shootings.”

The Minnesota Psychological Association stands with APA in solidarity with Ukraine

February 28, 2022

The Minnesota Psychological Association stands with APA in solidarity with Ukraine, its citizens, and our colleagues and clients abroad as the nation defends itself against military invasion.  War trauma not only impacts the psychological health in the present, but also for generations to come.  We recognize the impact military invasion has on people’s body, freedom, autonomy, and mind. We stand with those who protect human life and work together with those wanting a safer world. MPA stands for human rights and condemns this act of aggression.  #mpacares #ukrainesolidarity #ukrainestrong #StandWithUkraine

Important Conversion Therapy Update

July 22, 2021

The State of Minnesota joins with the cities of Bloomington, Duluth, Golden Valley, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, St. Paul, Red Wing, Robbinsdale, Rochester, West St. Paul, Winona, 23 other states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and a growing number of municipalities across the country that have taken action against conversion therapy. We stand with the scientific, medical, and education communities, and we affirm the broad public and private consensus rejecting conversion therapy. MPA has taken a strong stance on this issue and provided testimonial to help push this decision through. We are proud that our efforts have paid off and thankful to our members that contributed. We will continue to monitor the situation and stay active on this as it evolves.

MPA Affirms APA’s Statement on the Chauvin Verdict

April 21, 2021

Almost one year ago, the murder of George Floyd shone a light on some of the racial and social inequities that continue to plague our society. Yesterday, with the conclusion of the trial of Derek Chauvin, we are hopeful that the decision marks a step forward in a difficult journey to a more just and equitable society for all of MPA’s members and those we serve. MPA remains committed to addressing systemic racism in our community and affirms the following statement of the American Psychological Association.

APA reaction to Chauvin verdict:

Statement Regarding Daunte Wright

April 13, 2021

It is with continued grief, sadness, and anger that we learn of the death of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, who was shot and killed by police in Brooklyn Center on Sunday. The Minnesota Psychological Association stands with his family, and all those in our community impacted by this tragedy, particularly our Black colleagues, patients, friends, and family who have already been experiencing stress and re-traumatization during the Chauvin trial. MPA continues to stand against all forms of violence, systemic racism, and police brutality. We encourage our members to engage in self-care and community care during this difficult time, and to join us in continuing to have difficult conversations about systemic racism with family, friends, and colleagues. MPA will continue our commitment to taking steps to combat racism and other forms of prejudice as we seek to promote equity in our society. 

For those looking for actionable steps or resources:

- MPA Executive Committee

Statement on Chauvin Trial and Attacks on AAPI Community

March 22, 2021

The Minnesota Psychological Association seeks to add our voice to the growing community of advocates, allies, and supporters speaking out about the marked increase in hate crimes against the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. We also recognize the psychological impact of the recurring traumatization of our Black community during the trial of former Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, in the murder of George Floyd.

We recognize and acknowledge the racism, discrimination, and violence that continues to exist and has been ever-increasing over the past four to five years (Horowitz, Brown, & Cox 2019). The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in increased hate crimes, discrimination, and xenophobia aimed at the AAPI community. The murder of eight individuals, six Asian Americans, in Georgia has resulted in extreme pain and grief within the AAPI community. While experiences of racism and discrimination are not a new experience within communities of color, recent reports have shown increased experiences of racial discrimination among communities of color within the last year (Abrams, 2021).

The MPA Diversity Committee and the Minnesota Psychological Association stand in solidarity with the AAPI, Black communities, and all victims of persecution. We are committed to being more than allies and seek to be a support and a resource for those who are hurting. We encourage our members to join us in reaching out to others who may need comfort or support and begin having difficult conversations with family, friends, and colleagues to begin taking steps toward a more equitable and peaceful world.

Action Steps:
As an organization and profession that focuses on the psychological well-being of others, we are committed to working harder to address the hate, racism, and xenophobia that pains our BIPOC communities. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important initiatives, and we believe strongly that they need to be more than checking a box and/or identifying oneself as an ally – we need to be taking actionable steps by utilizing our knowledge of psychological science and expertise to address these social and racial justice issues. The MPA Diversity Committee is committed to developing a plan for MPA to hold ourselves accountable to the MPA diversity statement by actively acknowledging and addressing systemic and institutional inequality. We also encourage leaders and members of MPA to reflect and engage in honest conversations about personal and societal biases, as well as on the impact these biases have on the voices represented in MPA and in our work as psychologists.

MPA would like to recognize the Diversity Committee, Women’s Division, and Student Division for their assistance in developing this statement, which reflects the values and stance of MPA and all of its divisions.

Abrams, Z. (2021, January 01). The fight against racism must continue: Psychologists are looking inward to dismantle racism within the field. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/01/trends-fight-racism

Horowitz, J.M., Brown, A., & Cox, K. (2019, April 09). Race in America 2019. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/04/09/race-in-america-2019/

MPA Statement on Recent Events at the U.S. Capitol

Friday, January 8, 2021

Witnessing the past 72 hours of events at our nation’s Capitol has taken an emotional toll on all of us. We witnessed a brazen attack on the very foundation of our Republic. Additionally, we were once again reminded of the inequity that many in our nation experience on a daily basis as we witnessed the contrast in responses to the riot at the Capitol in comparison to events throughout the summer and fall of 2020.

At this time we feel that it's important to reaffirm our commitment to our members needs as it relates to the diversity of age, creed, race, ethnic background, gender, socio-economic status, region of residence, physical or mental status, political beliefs, religious or spiritual affiliation, and sexual or affectional orientation. We respect each other's differences through understanding, dialogue, and self-exploration. The Minnesota Psychological Association denounces the use of violence as we have seen in recent events. Violent extremism has no place in any society, and cannot be tolerated in any form. 

As we all witness and experience these events, we are also struck by the divide we see in interpersonal relationships and communication with others around political and social issues. We also reaffirm our commitment to providing relevant and timely support for our members as they navigate their professional lives, as well as helping those they serve in their clinical practice.
The way forward is not through violence, hate, or anger. The way forward is through compassion, empathy, and understanding. These are ideas that we strive to instill in the clients and patients we serve in our clinical practice, and it is something that we all, as clinicians, should continually explore within ourselves.

We wish everyone good health and safety as we continue to navigate these stressful times dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and stress of current events.

MPA Executive Committee

MPA Election Statement

November 9, 2020

The Minnesota Psychological Association looks forward to the future as we as a State, and Nation, transition from one Presidency to the next. As clinicians, educators, scientists, and more, we deal with cross sections of people and issues across the political spectrum. We are hopeful that we, and our nation’s leaders can begin to implement policies and dialogue that will unite us as a nation.

We are a State and Nation that has endured great amounts of trauma in recent history from the ongoing pandemic to the issues of historical and continuing racial and economic injustice and inequity that impact the lives and quality of life of millions of our fellow citizens. We are hopeful, and will support policies that seek to address the acute and systemic issues that impact the physical and mental health of those we serve through empirically supported means. We will support and encourage policies that seek to address these inequities in those underserved populations that many of us serve on a daily basis. We will also strongly advocate and lobby both our state and national legislators to continue to support our ability to utilize telehealth, with parity to physical medical issues, to adequately continue to deliver mental health services.

We also understand that many people within our State and Nation feel divided. Divided from our fellow citizens, divided from our neighbors, and sometimes divided from members of our family. This atmosphere and perception of tribalism only exacerbates the mental and physical health problems that we treat and experience on a daily basis. The Minnesota Psychological Association will continue to encourage and support open dialogues between our members and those we serve. As the position of President of the United States exists to serve ALL of the citizens of this great nation, we also understand the fact that it is our duty to serve ALL of our members, regardless of political affiliation, as they in turn strive to serve those they see in clinical, educational, research, and legal contexts.

Click here to read APA's statement in reaction to Biden's election as President.

Jordan Robinson, Ph.D., LP, ABPP-CN
MPA President-Elect


MPA States Concerns for the Closure of St. Joseph's Hospital

October 8, 2020

The Minnesota Psychological Association is deeply concerned about the announced closing of Bethesda and St. Joseph’s Hospital’s mental health services. The net effect is approximately a 20% reduction in mental health and addiction beds at a time when care needs are increasing due to the prolonged COVID-19 crisis. It is anticipated that the loss of these beds and available mental health services will almost certainly trigger a crisis for vulnerable populations, causing spillover into emergency rooms and jails. Loss of mental health beds will compromise patient care, increase the financial burden on taxpayers, and further criminalize and stigmatize mental health illness. Further, over 70-80% of patients in mental health and addiction beds at St Joseph’s Hospital are on public insurance. This closure will have a profound impact on the patients needing services, contributing to the worsening of health disparities for racial and ethnic minority communities, as well as low-income patients. Fairview will be abandoning already underserved populations at the worst possible time, while expanding care for affluent patients in the suburbs. We ask that the Board of Directors for Fairview Health Services reflect on their espoused values of service and compassion and decide to maintain current services by restoring mental health beds and inpatient services.


Statement Regarding the Loss of George Floyd

May 29, 2020

The Minnesota Psychological Association seeks to add to the voices recognizing the horror and injustice of the death of George Floyd and see this unjustified killing as an act of racism that may eventually be classified as a hate crime.  We realize that there is an increase in the presence of racism, hate and discrimination in our society and that the Dept. of Justice has identified that the majority of hate crimes (59.9 percent) continue to be those around the issue of race/ethnicity/ancestry.Of the hate crimes around race, most are against African Americans.  African Americans also experience the most incidents of discrimination2  and become the victims of “mentalcide,” the psychological process of treating them as “less than human.”3  Consequently, African Americans have endured the brunt of inhumane treatment by law enforcement officers in our country. 

Click here to continue reading.

Click here to read statement from APA.


MPA Affirms Statement: APA Calls for Destigmatizing Coronavirus


MPA affirms the position of the American Psychological Association in combating the COVID-19 related racism and discrimination that is occurring, particularly toward the Asian community. The spread of COVID-19 has marked an increase in racism, stereotyping, bullying, harassment, and discrimination toward members who are or who are perceived to be of Asian descent. Racial and ethnic identity and group membership does not confer greater risk of spreading or contracting the infection. Research has demonstrated that racism and discrimination contributes to worse physical and mental health outcomes for targeted groups. Additionally, targeted groups are at increased risk during illness outbreaks because they are more vulnerable to attacks and may not seek care when they need it out of fear of experiencing discrimination. For these reasons, MPA strongly denounces the use of language that stigmatizes and promotes bias and xenophobia. As a community with a large population of Asian residents, we want our Minnesota friends, neighbors, and colleagues to know that we value their health and well-being and are strongly against any behavior or language that targets them. MPA recommends taking active steps against racism and discrimination including speaking up when witnessing racist acts, building connections with targeted groups to increase the visibility of their experience, and reporting incidents of discrimination to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights by calling 651-539-1133 or 1-800-657-3704.

In addition to denouncing these overt acts of racism, MPA recognizes that the systemic inequities that previously existed, which are often more covert and less visible to those who do not directly experience them, are being amplified by this illness outbreak. Structural racism is an underlying condition in its own right and is the background against which COVID-19 will take its toll. Consistent with our diversity statement, we at MPA remain committed to combatting racism and other forms of prejudice and continue to value diversity within our community.


MPA States Concerns for Potential St. Joseph's Hospital Closure

1/15/2020: The Minnesota Psychological Association is deeply concerned about the potential closing of M Health Fairview - St Joseph’s Hospital in St Paul, MN. Loss of this facility would result in a 1/3 reduction in mental health and addiction beds in the city. Inpatient services for mental health and addiction are few. Loss of these beds would almost certainly trigger a crisis. Spillover into emergency rooms and jails would decrease patient care, increase the financial burden of taxpayers, and further criminalize and stigmatize mental health concerns. Further, health disparities would worsen for racial and ethnic minority communities, as over 70-80% of patients in mental health and addiction beds at St Joseph’s Hospital are on public insurance. St Joseph’s Hospital cares for a more diverse and poorer patient population than any other M Health Fairview Hospital. Fairview would be abandoning this population of patients while expanding care for White and more affluent patients in the suburbs. We ask that the Board of Directors for Fairview Health Services reflect on their espoused values of service and compassion and decide to maintain the mental health and addiction beds at St Joseph’s Hospital. 


MPA Affirms the APA Statement on Expected Rule Eliminating 20-Day Limit on Detaining Immigrant Children

Decision is detrimental to children's mental health, says APA. Click here to read the full statement.



"Our condolences are with the families and friends of those killed or injured in these horrific shootings and with all Americans affected every day by the twin horrors of hate and gun violence.

“As our nation tries to process the unthinkable yet again, it is clearer than ever that we are facing a public health crisis of gun violence fueled by racism, bigotry and hatred. The combination of easy access to assault weapons and hateful rhetoric is toxic. Psychological science has demonstrated that social contagion — the spread of thoughts, emotions and behaviors from person to person and among larger groups — is real, and may well be a factor, at least in the El Paso shooting...

Click here to read the full statement.


MPA Affirms the Recent Statement by APA President, Rosie Phillips Davis, Ph.D., on the Pernicious Effect of Racism on Physical and Mental Health

“Statements such as, ‘Go back where you came from’ or ‘Send her back’ can cause pervasive harm to the health and mental health of people of color across the nation. Psychological science has demonstrated that racism can cause mental health symptoms similar to trauma. Racism has been shown to have negative cognitive and behavioral effects on both children and adults and to increase anxiety, depression, self-defeating thoughts and avoidance behaviors. I personally understand the harmful impact of such statements and implore my fellow citizens to think carefully before they speak because words have measurable consequences. This is not who we are as Americans.”

Click here for the full statement.

MPA Stance on Conversion Therapy


The Minnesota Psychological Association supports the passage of the bill to ban conversion therapy. (SF1974/HF2281). The aim of conversion therapy (reparative therapy) is to treat sexual orientation, which is not a mental illness. There is evidence to support that efforts to change someone's sexual orientation is harmful to the individual. The American Psychological Association task force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation analyzed the scientific data on changing sexual orientation and concluded that there is insufficient evidence that sexual orientation change efforts are effective and may cause harm. Furthermore, practitioners should focus on acceptance and support and avoid telling clients that they can change their sexual orientation.


MPA Affirms the Statement of APA President In Response To Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue

“We are horrified and heartbroken by this terrible crime and send our thoughts of compassion to the victims, their families and first responders, several of whom were also injured, and to the larger Jewish community...
Click here to continue reading the statement.

MPA Affirms APA's Statement on Proposed Reforms of Sexual Assault Rules for Universities

“APA is concerned about the potential negative impact of the proposed Title IX regulation on victims of campus sexual assault and overall campus climate..."
Click here to continue reading the statement.


MPA Affirms the APA Statement Regarding Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military

The Governing Council of the Minnesota Psychological Association (MPA) affirms the American Psychological Association's (APA) statement regarding transgender individuals serving in the military. We are concerned about the negative impact these policies can have on transgender Minnesotans serving in the military. These limits are not based on rigorous psychological research. We stand with transgender individuals and call on the Trump administration to reconsider these limits on their service.

Click here to read APA's press release.


MPA Calls on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota to Cease Recoupment

December 18, 2017

Today MPA formally requested that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBSMN) cease its efforts to recoup overpayments for Medicaid claims made to behavioral health providers due to Blue Cross Blue Shield’s own errors in processing those claims. We understand the critical nature of this issue and will be working on your behalf during this challenging time.
MPA has issued a press release available here.

Read the letter here.

If you wish to file a complaint yourself, you can send it to Marie Zimmerman who oversees Medicaid for the State - [email protected]

You can also file a complaint with the Department of Commerce here.

In situations like these, many voices help.
Minnesota Psychological Association


MPA Condemns Trump Administration for Word Ban

December 18, 2017

Today MPA issued a press release condemning the directive from Trump Administration to ban the use of certain words by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Please click here to read the full press release.